May is finally on the horizon. Where did April go? We did have few April showers and already so many flowers for May have come and gone but we are still here! The Natick Farmer's Market begins in two weeks and the common will come alive with people, fresh vegetables, herbs and local craftsmen.
The store has been updated once again with new displays and great spring and summer yarns and patterns.
The very popular PollyMacc Designs small pattern pamphlets are restocked and available in all their patterns. Polly and Ginny are local designers that have a real bond to the local area.
May is Joan Sebastian's Trunk Show from May 1 through 22. Joan is so talented in many areas. She knits, felts and makes wonderful jewelry. She also teaches quilting, beginner's knitting and jewelry making with a local continuning education program as well as occasionally offering a class at Iron Horse.
We are most honored and pleased to have Barbara Delinsky as our guest at our monthly book club this month. We will be discussing her latest novel, released in Janaury, Not MY Daughter.