Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Getting Ready...

The holidays are upon us once again. This year will be a day of thankfulness for the wonderful people I have met along my journey through life and especially my family and friends. We have decided to take the day "off" and spend a quite time at home before the craziness starts at the store.

We start the season with opening our doors at the store on Friday at 7:30 am for some early bird specials. We have some wonderful gift ideas for those looking for hand crafted local gifts as well as great wonderful yarns and accessories. Don't forget the Classic Elite and American Express promotions we talked about last week. Scroll down if you didn't get to read about them.

This morning is a morning "off", if you will, to stay home and work on the computer work for the store. There are always so many hidden things that need to happen to have a business run. It has been a huge eye opener this past year as we took the store off the farm.

The dye pot is also been steaming for a while with socks I took off the antique circular sock machine last night. Production on socks have really slowed down since moving. I miss working on them so last night was a good night as I took a total of four socks off. This morning they went into a mordant bath for 2 hours and are now in dye pots cooling down.

Last night I got my Christmas gift at the store. My husband kept asking me all day what I was doing and what time I would be home. Since I teach many of the evening workshops, this was not an unusual question until he kept asking it. He called to say he was dropping by the store around 4 pm. Okay, no biggie, but then he just sat there. He then wrote a note to me saying he had a surprise for me. We were busy and usually he will just leave. My husband can not keep a surprise! For those who have heard the store of our engagement and him giving my ring , you know he can't keep a secret. All of a sudden, I see him and Paula Kochanek of Five Crows headed off some where down the street. The next thing they are heading back with Skip holding an amazing piece of stain glass!

Last year, when we decided to open in Natick Center, I approached Paula about commissioning her to do a couple of pieces of stain glass for the store windows. When chatting, she brought up from her cellar a drawing and the vintage glass of a ram's head. Since we were trying to bring some of the aspects of the farm to the store, this was the perfect piece for her to finish for us. It had been drawn and cut out over 15 years ago! It looked just like our first Shetland ram, Dartmouth. Well as with many of us, life just got in the way, Paula and I lost touch with our vision for this piece. As our one year anniversary approached, Skip contacted Paula and the two of them work together for Paula to finish this amazing piece of art and they both presented it to me last evening. I can't thank them enough. What a wonderful act they both created. It proudly hangs in the window at the store. My photo does not do this piece justice. It needs to be seen in person. We hope you enjoy "Dartmouth".

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